Mason Marcobello

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Mason Marcobello is an Australian writer, aspiring creative technologist, and entrepreneur. His writing has appeared in the Defiant, Decrypt and CoinDesk.



(Jeff Kauffman)
Jeff Kauffman: Decentralized Social Will Revolutionize Marketing
The rise of Farcaster and portable “social graphs” will change the relationship between brand marketers and end-users, says the founder of JUMP, a network for Web3 branding ex...
(Jeff Kauffman)
(MoonCats Rescue)
What Are MoonCats? The Legacy NFT Project Revived by Its Community
Created in 2017, the collection of generative pixel art-style cats was rediscovered in 2021 and quickly gained popularity.
(MoonCats Rescue)
What Are Generative Art NFTs?
While the art style has been around for decades, generative art recently gained popularity as a tool for NFT artwork thanks to artists like Tyler Hobbs, Snowfro and Pak.
(Emily Morter/Unsplash)
Top Questions About Proof-of-Stake and Staking Answered
Ethereum's move away from proof-of-work has many people asking how to get involved in staking and how it works. We have answers.
(Emily Morter/Unsplash)
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What Is the Ethereum Merge?
Ethereum’s shift to proof-of-stake is one of the most anticipated events in cryptocurrency.
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Layer 2 (Etienne Girardet/Unsplash)
What Are Layer 2s and Why Are They Important?
To help with scalability and speed, blockchains such as Ethereum utilize secondary blockchains built on top of them, which are called layer 2s.
Layer 2 (Etienne Girardet/Unsplash)
Ethereum network illustration (Shubham Dhage/Unsplash)
What Are EIP and ERC and How Are They Connected?
Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) are the central method around which updates and decisions are made on the Ethereum blockchain and are open to all.
Ethereum network illustration (Shubham Dhage/Unsplash)
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Understanding Ripple, XRP and the SEC Suit
We explain the difference and connections between Ripple and XRP and the history and the state of the SEC's case against Ripple.
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NFT POAP trophy (Getty Images)
POAPs: What Is a Proof of Attendance Protocol?
POAPs have emerged as a new way of keeping an immutable record of your life experiences, including virtual and in-person events.
NFT POAP trophy (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
NFTs in the Metaverse: How to Earn Money With Unique Assets
Non-fungible tokens have created new ways for gamers to generate revenue in virtual worlds.
(Getty Images)