Joe Biden

CoinDesk - Unknown
Election 2020: What’s at Stake for the Crypto Industry
While neither major Presidential candidate is campaigning on a crypto platform, who they appoint to head up federal agencies will shape policy for years to come.
CoinDesk - Unknown

Prices for TRUMP and BIDEN futures markets on FTX
Crypto Traders Bet on US Election as FTX Prediction Markets Hit Record Volumes
October sees record volume for TRUMP and BIDEN markets three weeks ahead of the U.S. election.
Prices for TRUMP and BIDEN futures markets on FTX

CoinDesk - Unknown
Election 2020 Prediction Markets: Bettors Say Trump Lost Tuesday's Debate
With the first presidential debate now smoldering behind us, the betting markets have picked their winner: Joe Biden.
CoinDesk - Unknown

Federal Reserve Board Governor Lael Brainard
Fed Reserve Governor Brainard Said to Be Biden's Choice for Treasury Secretary
Lael Brainard, who has been involved with the Fed's efforts to research a digital dollar, is seen as an ideal choice, Bloomberg sources said.
Federal Reserve Board Governor Lael Brainard

Image by Ali Powell
Biden May Not Be Savvy About Big Tech, but He Understands Cybersecurity
Nobody is chanting “Hey, Ho, Uncle Joe for Crypto!” at a Biden election rally. But the venerable ex-vice president does have things to say about big tech, chiefly in the realm...
Image by Ali Powell

U.S. President Joe Biden
Political Group Backing Joe Biden Starts Accepting Bitcoin
A political action committee pushing for US Vice President Joe Biden to seek the presidency has announced it will accept bitcoin donations.
U.S. President Joe Biden