
How to Increase Public Confidence in Bitcoin Exchanges
There are ways to prove an exchange has the asset holdings it claims, but implementation will be a challenge.

Goldman Sachs: Bitcoin Isn't a Currency But Underlying Tech Holds Promise
The report, ‘All About Bitcoin’, cites bitcoin’s advantages and shortcomings – backed by statements from critics and supporters alike.

Jared Cohen
Cryptocurrencies are ‘Inevitable’, Says Google’s Jared Cohen
The search giant's Director of Ideas believes cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Jared Cohen

Choosing bitcoin
Forget Bitcoin vs Fiat, Welcome the Hybrid Economy
Circle's Sean Neville contemplates a moderate take on the future of finance, one where bitcoin and fiat co-exist.
Choosing bitcoin

Current Criticisms of Bitcoin Are at Least 10 Years Too Early
Criticizing bitcoin today would be like criticizing email in 1985, and look how far that has come.

Consumer protection
Why The Bitcoin Industry Must Recognise Its Responsibilities
The biggest lesson of the fall of Mt. Gox and Flexcoin is that customers must be better protected.
Consumer protection

Bitcoin accepted here
Why Isn’t Your Business Accepting Bitcoin?
There are huge opportunities for merchants accepting bitcoin. Bitcoin blogger Arianna Simpson reveals everything you need to know.
Bitcoin accepted here

Hiding in Plain View, Too Much Secrecy, and Where Next for Space-Bound Twins?
John Law suggests privacy seekers should stay hidden, bitcoin doesn't need Tor and a novel purchase for the Winklenauts.

One Does Not Simply Find Satoshi Nakamoto
Newsweek isn't the first publication to try and identity the mystery man. What was so different this time around?

Milton Friedman
How Economist Milton Friedman Predicted Bitcoin
Friedman knew that bitcoin would someday arrive, to the animosity of incumbent institutions in the finance world.
Milton Friedman