
burning no war statement
Crypto and Twitter: A Toxic Combination, A Troubling Future
Cryptocurrencies may offer solutions to a host of big problems, but for now, they're making issues with social media echo chambers worse.
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Warning: Blockchain Could Rot Your Brain
As we move toward trusting everything recorded in a blockchain, consider the societal impact, e.g. on our ability to think critically and skeptically.

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Time to Acknowledge – and Encourage – Women in Blockchain
Columnist Michael J. Casey on how men in the cryptocurrency and blockchain community can do more to advance the engagement of women in the space.
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The Real Problem With Nocoiners
What makes a nocoiner a nocoiner is not simply the absence of cryptocurrency from his investment portfolio, but his sanctimonious attitude about it.
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Welcome to Bitcoin Country: Silk Road and the Lost Threads of Agorism
Silk Road and black markets? University of Dublin's Paul Ennis takes a dive into the kinds of sub-cultures bitcoin and cryptocurrencies enable.
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