
markets, glass
Crypto Assets Trade 24/7 – And That Changes More Than Uptime
New to cryptocurrency? You may want to make a closer look at how its charts and prices function.
markets, glass

candles, funeral
Killing 'Cryptocurrency': Why It's Time to Retire the Term
A crypto fund manager argues that the term "cryptocurrencies" is now outdated, proposing another to match the tech's evolving use.
candles, funeral

measuring spoons
A Framework for Valuing Crypto Tokens
Acupay CTO Sid Kalla provides an in-depth guide for those considering investing in an initial coin offering or ICO.
measuring spoons

money, love
This Blockchain Startup Will Pay You to Help Your Friends Find Love
Matchpool is a new dating service that aims to bring couples together through the art of matchmaking – with a 21st century twist.
money, love

Cryptocurrency Index Funds: Can They Beat Bitcoin's Returns?
An industry observer's simulations of cryptocurrency index funds suggest bitcoin is hard to beat.

Finance startup
How Blockchain Startups Are Revolutionizing Venture Capital
William Mougayar argues that the traditional venture capital model is being quickly revolutionised by blockchain tech.
Finance startup

Bank of America
10 New Bank of America Cryptocurrency Patents Published
The Bank of America has filed eleven patent applications since 2014, following the publication of 10 yesterday by the US patent office.
Bank of America

Bank of America
Bank of America Files Patent for Cryptocurrency Wire Transfer System
The USPTO has published a patent filed by Bank of America that seeks to protect a system for wire transfers using cryptocurrency.
Bank of America

library, book
'Cryptocurrency' Officially Added to Oxford Dictionary Online
Following last year's addition of 'bitcoin', 'cryptocurrency' has made its way into the respected online dictionary of modern English.
library, book

Is Bitcoin a Digital Currency or a Virtual One?
How can we best describe bitcoin - is it a digital currency, or a virtual one, or both?