Bitcoin Core

toy soliders
Coinbase CEO Rejects Proposal for Bitcoin Hard Fork in 2017
Brian Armstrong, CEO of bitcoin services provider Coinbase, has rejected a new proposal for scaling the bitcoin network.
toy soliders

Bitcoin Miners Back Proposed Timeline for 2017 Hard Fork
Members of China's bitcoin mining ecosystem have committed to supporting a proposed roadmap for scaling the bitcoin network.

hot water
No, Forking Bitcoin Won't Land You in Legal Hot Water
Pillsbury Winthrop blockchain lead Marco Santori rebuffs claims creating new versions of bitcoin's blockchain may create legal issues for developers.
hot water

wig, judge
Why Bitcoin Governance is a Competition (And That's a Good Thing)
Former Bitcoin Foundation global counsel Jim Harper discusses the challenges of applying open-source development practices to a blockchain world.
wig, judge

wood, split
Industry Businesses Pledge to Avoid Bitcoin Network Split
A group of bitcoin miners, exchanges and service providers have issued a letter stating that they would not back hard forks of the network.
wood, split

key, success
Why Bitcoin’s Scaling Debate is An Opportunity Not a Flaw
Writer Nozomi Hayase looks at how bitcoin's scalability debate should be seen as just another phase in the growth of the digital currency.
key, success

Ideas and people
The Bitcoin Block Size Debate Isn't Just About Technology
The views of the Bitcoin Core developers are not the only ones that should count when deciding its future, says developer Elliott Olds.
Ideas and people

Amid Scaling Debate, Bitcoin Core Goes on Outreach Offensive
CoinDesk examines the current bitcoin scaling debate through the eyes of Bitcoin Core, the project's main developer team.

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Bitcoin Industry Optimistic Amid Bitter Battle for Scaling Solution
At the first stop on bitcoin's annual event calendar, opinions were diverse and divisive on how the network can scale to accommodate new users.
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mit, gavin andresen
Core Developers Call for New Bitcoin Software Strategy at MIT
Bitcoin Core developers including Gavin Andresen expanded on their larger vision for bitcoin development at an MIT event yesterday.
mit, gavin andresen