Bitcoin 2.0: Seeking Alpha

New Index Helps Investors Navigate the Crypto Seasons

AccessTimeIconJul 1, 2024 at 6:54 p.m. UTC

While spot ETFs have dominated the headlines, other innovative indices and products are also being launched. Spot ETFs provide beta exposure to an asset, but what are the alternative ways to access bitcoin beyond beta?

Recently, AMINA Group and CoinDesk Indices launched the AMINA CoinDesk BTC Momentum Index (Ticker: BTIAMINA), which aims to provide dynamic exposure to bitcoin by shifting to cash (USD) when price trends are unfavorable.

BTIAMINA measures the performance of a strategy that dynamically allocates between exposure to bitcoin and cash based on the CoinDesk Bitcoin Trend Indicator (BTI), a quantitative signal which conveys the presence, direction, and strength of the trend in the price of bitcoin using a purpose-built algorithm.

The chart below showcases a BTIAMINA backtest against the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (XBX) from 1/1/2018 to 6/27/2024.

1/1/2018 to 6/27/2024
1/1/2018 to 6/27/2024

Key features of the AMINA CoinDesk BTC Momentum Index include:

  • Investment Universe: The index allocates between bitcoin and cash, providing flexibility in response to market conditions.
  • Rebalancing Frequency: Weekly rebalancing ensures timely adjustments based on market trends.
  • Momentum-Based Signals: BTI uses four moving average pairs to generate trend signals. The final signal is an average of these pairs, which the index then uses in a dynamic allocation strategy ranging from 0% to 100% bitcoin exposure.
  • Risk Management: Designed to reduce sharp drawdowns and mental biases associated with bitcoin investing, aiming for higher risk-adjusted returns.
  • Transparency: Fully transparent and systematic methodology, ensuring clarity and trust for investors.

“Partnering with industry leader CoinDesk Indices to launch the BTIAMINA is a landmark development for the broader crypto investment community,” said Gregory Mall, Head of Investment Products & Solutions at AMINA Bank. “This index is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence in the digital asset space. We are providing professional investors with a sophisticated tool to navigate the complexities of the bitcoin market with greater confidence and precision. The BTIAMINA Index not only aims to enhance risk-adjusted returns but also reduces the psychological hurdles associated with direct bitcoin investments.”

For more details on the BTIAMINA Index visit the website.

This article was written by CoinDesk Indices and is not associated with CoinDesk editorial.


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Kim (Greenberg) Klemballa

Kim Greenberg is the head of marketing for CoinDesk Indices.

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