Noelle Acheson

Noelle Acheson

Noelle Acheson is host of the CoinDesk "Markets Daily" podcast, and author of the Crypto is Macro Now newsletter on Substack. She is also former head of research at CoinDesk and sister company Genesis Trading. Follow her on Twitter at @NoelleInMadrid.



glass, cup
More Welcome Than Warning? The DAO Ruling Could Transform Securities
CoinDesk's Noelle Acheson looks at how the recent warning by the SEC could end up changing the regulated securities market.
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city of london
Bold But Cautious: London Stock Exchange's Blockchain Work Is History Repeated
CoinDesk's Noelle Acheson sheds light on the LSE Group's history of innovation in capital markets, with bold moves tempered by sensible caution.
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africa, school
Blockchain and Aid: It's About More Than Efficiency
A closer look at how blockchain efforts could make a real difference in the world of charities and aid distribution.
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Wilmington, Delaware
Equity Markets on a Blockchain: Delaware's Potential Impact
Last week, Delaware passed legislation that will give corporations the right to issue and trade shares on a blockchain. This is why it's a big deal.
Wilmington, Delaware
port shipping containers
Port of Call: Blockchain's Impact on Supply Chains is Broader Than It Seems
Without resilient ports, the links that bind world trade together won’t hold – and that's where blockchain could play a vital role.
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Counting Chickens: Can Blockchain Restore Trust in China's Food Supply?
A new Chinese food-tracking initiative hints at the power of blockchain to improve society's deeper issues.
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shoes, baby
Blockchain and the Birth of a New Financial Instrument
A less-hyped blockchain trial in the Middle East could come to have a big impact on banking.
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Bitcoin, Ethereum and a New Direction for Cryptocurrency Investment
Could there be an asset reallocation ongoing in the crypto sector? That's one possible takeaway from CoinDesk's recent State of Blockchain report.
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At MoneyConf, An Unexpectedly Subdued Outlook for Blockchain
While disruption is not as strong as anticipated, MoneyConf 2017 showcased how blockchain is steadily becoming an important part of the fintech scene.
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Western Union Reveals Pilot Coinbase Integration
Western Union could soon be sending people's funds via an integration with Coinbase, the remittance firm's CTO has revealed.