Layne Nadeau

Layne Nadeau

Layne Nadeau is the Founder and CEO of Nval, the leading pricing and analytics platform for RWA/NFTs serving regulated actors including: funds, custodians, accounting, tax, insurance and marketplaces. Layne is a technology thought leader who has delivered large scale initiatives for over 20 years in investment banking, retail banking, blockchain and digital asset industries as well as US and Canadian governments, commercial and retail automotive services providers, public utilities, transportation operators, professional associations and universities. With a bachelor’s degree in Math and Computer Science Layne is genuinely excited about digital asset technologies and continuously researches new ways to apply them. Layne is a father to three girls, a husband, a cyclist, a sailor, a brewer, a world traveler, a speaker, and a NFT/DeFi degen.



(Thomas Millot/Unsplash)
NFTs Are Dead (But They’re Changing Everything)
Forget million-dollar profile pictures, the real innovation of NFTs is ownership rights. This technology still has potential to transform industries, says Layne Nadeau, Founde...
(Thomas Millot/Unsplash)