Jessica Klein

Jessica  Klein



(Diana Sinclair, modified by CoinDesk)
Diana Sinclair: People Aren’t 'Ready to Hear' About Inequities in the Metaverse
Web 3 can open up opportunities for marginalized groups, but it's not a silver bullet, says one leading NFT artist.
(Diana Sinclair, modified by CoinDesk)
Brian Forde (modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
Brian Forde: Why Congress Needs a Crypto 'Truth Teller'
He explained Bitcoin to Barack Obama and ran one of the first election campaigns emphasizing crypto. He says Congress needs more people who understand science and technology.
Brian Forde (modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
(Michael Wagner/modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
Michael Wagner: Building a Virtual Nation-State in the Metaverse
Meet the co-founder of Star Atlas, one of the most ambitious games in blockchain. You just have to get through the security first.
(Michael Wagner/modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
(Amy Wu, modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
Amy Wu: Gaming Companies Can't Afford to Avoid Web 3
Amy Wu leads ventures, M&A and gaming at cryptocurrency exchange FTX. She's a speaker at CoinDesk's Consensus festival this June.
(Amy Wu, modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
(Maaria Bajwa, modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
Maaria Bajwa: 'People Like to Root Against the Winners'
Bajwa once got wise advice from a mentor: To be valuable to your venture firm, you must have “domain expertise that no one else has.”
(Maaria Bajwa, modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
(Julie Pacino, modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
Julie Pacino: Eliminating Middlemen in Film
“The market is going to decide what’s good, not some dude in a suit.”
(Julie Pacino, modified by Kevin Ross/CoinDesk)
(Sara Baumann, modified by Kevin Ross for CoinDesk)
Sara Baumann: NFTs Let Me Quit My Job
The founder of the badass Women With Weapons franchise tells how she made it and what comes next. Baumann is a speaker at CoinDesk's Consensus Festival.
(Sara Baumann, modified by Kevin Ross for CoinDesk)
6 John McAffee portrait and me
'A Crazy Success Story': Trevor Jones' NFT Gamble Pays Off
The NFT boom has been life-changing for artists like Trevor Jones, who is collaborating with Ice Cube. Now he might buy a Tesla.
6 John McAffee portrait and me
Photo courtesy of Ameen Soleimani
Generation C: Ameen Soleimani – The Entrepreneur
“Eventually the old people will die, the rules will go with them, and newer generations will set the cultural norms. As entrepreneurs, it’s part of our role to bring those new...
Photo courtesy of Ameen Soleimani
Photo courtesy of Adriana Belotti
Generation Crypto
Not defined by age, country or class, Generation C is bound by a willingness to question mainstream narratives.
Photo courtesy of Adriana Belotti