Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn was a deputy managing editor for Consensus Magazine, where he helped produce monthly editorial packages and the opinion section. He also wrote a daily news rundown and a twice-weekly column for The Node newsletter. He first appeared in print in Financial Planning, a trade publication magazine. Before journalism, he studied philosophy as an undergrad, English literature in graduate school and business and economic reporting at an NYU professional program. You can connect with him on Twitter and Telegram @danielgkuhn or find him on Urbit as ~dorrys-lonreb.



funding pig
BnkToTheFuture CEO: 50 Percent of Funding Will Be Through Security Tokens in 2020
BnkToTheFuture invested in a SEC-registered broker dealer to enable U.S. investors participate in security token offerings.
funding pig
93 Days Dark: 8chan Coder Explains How Blockchain Saved His Troll Forum
A deep dive into the decentralized technology that brought the world's most controversial site back online – for now.
law, legal
Trial Back on After Craig Wright Breaks Bitcoin Settlement Agreement
Craig Wright broke a non-binding settlement agreement to forfeit half his claimed bitcoin holdings, according to a court filing.
law, legal
Genesis CEO Michael Moro
Genesis Clocks Quarterly Surge in Cash and Stablecoin Lending
For the first time this year, BTC-denominated loans now represent less than 60 percent of Genesis' portfolio.
Genesis CEO Michael Moro
Manchester uk
tZERO, Tezos Foundation to Tokenize £500 Million in UK Real Estate
The blockchain startups will tokenize portions of properties financed by U.K.-based Alliance Investments.
Manchester uk
China stocks
Chinese State-Owned Media Try to Dampen Market's Crypto Enthusiasm
Chinese state-backed media are warning investors to remain rational amid a spike in interest in crypto companies.
China stocks
China Shelf, from Chippendale Drawings
Chinese Official Warns Libra Could Abet Illegal Cross-Border Transfers
Libra must abide by international foreign exchange regulations to not enable illegal transfers or “it should be banned,” a senior Chinese regulator said Monday.
China Shelf, from Chippendale Drawings
Credit: Shutterstock
Facebook Risks Banking Ties Over Libra Concerns, Says ING Exec
ING CEO Ralph Hamers said Libra could make it difficult for banks to accept or keep the project's creator as a client.
Credit: Shutterstock
Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 20.02.30
WATCH: How JET8 Is Injecting Crypto Into the Social Media Value Chain
Jet8 says it is taking a new approach to social media and data ownership using blockchain.
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Fearing USD Decline, Ex-CFTC Heads Propose a Blockchain-Based Digital Dollar
Two former ranking members of the CFTC offered up a plan for a government-sanctioned, blockchain-based digital dollar.