Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn was a deputy managing editor for Consensus Magazine, where he helped produce monthly editorial packages and the opinion section. He also wrote a daily news rundown and a twice-weekly column for The Node newsletter. He first appeared in print in Financial Planning, a trade publication magazine. Before journalism, he studied philosophy as an undergrad, English literature in graduate school and business and economic reporting at an NYU professional program. You can connect with him on Twitter and Telegram @danielgkuhn or find him on Urbit as ~dorrys-lonreb.



Bitcoin Sign Guy Is Back, Bringing Sound Money to Urbit's 'Sound Computer'
Bitcoin Sign Guy is developing payment architecture on Urbit so people can live as full digital citizens.
Flex Yang, co-founder of Babel Finance
Why China Is Banning Crypto but Is Bullish on Blockchain
"The bandit needs to be wiped out before the regular army gets in," says Flex Yang, co-founder and CEO of Babel Finance, speaking of China's uncertain crypto regulations.
Flex Yang, co-founder of Babel Finance
Yusuf Hussain, head of risk at Gemini and president of the Virtual Commodities Association
Gemini's Head of Risk on How Crypto Beats Traditional Finance
The arc of crypto bends toward regulation, so we might as well be prepared, says Gemini's risk chief and the president of the Virtual Commodities Association, Yusuf Hussain.
Yusuf Hussain, head of risk at Gemini and president of the Virtual Commodities Association
Benjamin Noys, professor of critical theory at University of Chichester
Professor Ben Noys: What Crypto Sees in Accelerationism
Benjamin Noys found a link between fringe, online philosophies and digital-native currencies. Here, he explains "accelerationism."
Benjamin Noys, professor of critical theory at University of Chichester
Aanchal Anand, land administration specialist at the Global Land and Geospatial Unit of the World Bank
Even If Blockchain Can't Secure Land Rights, It Got Us Talking About Them
Anand Aanchal of the World Bank thinks blockchain spurred an interest in securing land rights but often falls short of expectations.
Aanchal Anand, land administration specialist at the Global Land and Geospatial Unit of the World Bank
Darrell Duffie, Distinguished Professor of Finance at Stanford
Stanford Prof Darrell Duffie on Our Big Stablecoin Future
A distinguished Stanford professor breaks down the year in stablecoins: Libra, Tether and Central Bank Digital Currencies, like China's.
Darrell Duffie, Distinguished Professor of Finance at Stanford
Indonesia rupiah image via Shutterstock
Huobi Indonesia Adds Fiat-to-Crypto Gateway in Bid for Global Expansion
Huobi's local partner in Indonesia got a fiat-to-crypto onramp to facilitate trading in 250 cryptocurrencies.
Indonesia rupiah image via Shutterstock
"Account Book Ledger" by John Carlin is licensed under CC0 1.0
Treadway Commission to Issue Blockchain Security Guidance in 2020
The influential Treadway Commission plans to issue security guidance for companies using blockchain.
"Account Book Ledger" by John Carlin is licensed under CC0 1.0
south korea
South Korean Central Bank to Organize a CBDC Task Force
South Korea's central bank plans to hire additional experts as it studies digital currencies and blockchain technology.
south korea
Ouriel Ohayon, CEO of ZenGo
The View From Tel Aviv: Ouriel Ohayon
Tel Aviv is a hotspot for crypto development. ZenGo CEO Ouriel Ohayon puts us on the ground there.
Ouriel Ohayon, CEO of ZenGo